The Magic of Venice I-III (in Hungarian, 197 pages) published by Publio publishing house, 2020
The Adventerious Travel of Sir Tamas Gyulaffy A.D. 1549
The Magic of Venice, In the North, The Return Home
The Magic of Venice I-III. can be purchased at Libri, Líra, Bookline, Book24, Publio, Good Books online bookstores
Twenty-three years after the defeat of Mohács, Tamás Gyulaffy begins his adventurous journey from Veszprém, through Venice, to Scotland and back to Hungary. It is the middle of the 16th century, and in 1538 King János Szapolyai and King Ferdinand I agreed to divide the country in two, and in the Treaty of Vratislav gave up the right to have his son inherit the throne. However, the orders later elected János Zsigmond as king and Prince of Transylvania. The Turks had already conquered much of Hungary and there was strife between Catholics and Protestants in Europe. When Thomas leaves for Venice in 1549 to study as a jeweller with Master Loredan, he does not yet know what a shining pearl he will find in the master’s daughter Giuliana. Not satisfied with his noble rank, Thomas elopes with his lover to Genoa, where he heads a wealthy patrician family. They flee to the Doge Andrea D’Oria, who helps the newly wedded couple by giving them money and a letter of marriage. They then travel through the Kingdom of France to England, and take a boat to Edinburgh, Scotland, to the court of the Earl of Sinclair. During his journey, the scion of the Gyulaffys finds many interesting things, including the mystery of the Holy Grail within the walls of Rosslyn Chapel, which he finally discovers in his own soul and realises is his place in his home, the suffering-torn Transdanubian end castle of Veszprém. But it is too late, his father is beheaded by the Turks in 1552, when Veszprém Castle is taken, and the Turkish soldiers burn down the castle. His mother, Elisabeth, escapes and by then Tamás’s journey leads to Palota and then to the Principality of Transylvania. It is a story of love, of love and of duty, as every traveller must return home to understand himself and the world around him. Thomas also realises, at the birth of his child, that he has a responsibility to his family, and that he cannot search forever for the great secrets that the Knights Templar have kept.
You can buy in the main online bookstores: Libri, Líra, Bookline, Book24, Publio, Jó Könyvek
Look inside, the first 10 pages are free
The vibrant metaphysics of love,
The metaphysics of love
It does not know that there is formal logic,
The power of suffering, the logarithm of pleasure,
Plus a host of unknown variables,
Which is an unsolvable equation,
Einstein E=mc2
He creates with unrelenting speed,
That the grey matter can only count,
Then throws it away: the number of solutions is zero.
Only the heart can calculate the end,
It’s either parting or being together,
The latter creates a new variable,
As the earth turns on its axis,
Like electrons, tiny particles around a nucleus
Complicated and unpredictable.
But the unknown of female intuition
Makes the formula of reality impossible.
Love in her is unresolvable,
It cannot be grasped with the mind,
Though in this case
Reason can do little,
You’re lucky to know,
Love is mere metaphysics.